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Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Source Matters

Requiem For a Dream

Harry: You know something? I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever seen.

Marion: Really?

Harry: Ever since I first saw you.

Marion: That’s nice, Harry. That makes me feel really good. Other people have told me that before, and it was meaningless.

Harry: Why? Because you thought they were pulling your leg?

Marion: No, no, not like that. I mean...I don’t know or even care if they were. Just from them it was...just meaningless, you know? When you say it, I hear it. I really hear it.


There's only a few really touching moments you'll experience, they're far and few for the most part. Most of life is placation and saving face, but once in a while something so humbling will fall right into your lap and that's the time to stop and soak in the moment. I received the best compliment I've ever received yesterday night. They said, "I just want you to always know that where ever you are there is someone that loves you". And I don't know who they are, but I will always remember how they made my heart feel.

[Remember: The Call, Regina Spektor]

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